With exactly one month to go before the release of The Harvest Club, I’m busy working on the revisions of another book. To be honest I never thought I would write a novel, much less a murder mystery, ghost story. The whole process has been a lot of work, but fun. Every new first that I’ve experienced has been great. Who knew that a copyright page with my book title on it, could make my heart flutter. Or that seeing the book cover with my name on it for the first time, would nearly take my breath away.
I’m a realist. There are thousands of new books hitting the shelf everyday world-wide, and mine will be another one among the thousands. That knowledge keeps me grounded. But it is my book, and with that I soar. It is a dream being realized, a new chapter in a lifetime of firsts, and a feeling of satisfaction. As long as I am alive, there is always something new to be imagined.
So I’m counting down the days, working on revisions, and another story is being developed as I write this. In case I haven’t said it lately I love this writing gig.