At times the words thank you seem inadequate for what is in your heart to say to others. The last several months have been filled with many ups and downs for us. But so many of you have supported us with your good thoughts, prayers, and acts kindness that it made a difficult time more tolerable. Thank you.
In a time when it seems like everything is bent on dividing us, it is amazing to watch someone doing all they can to save another’s life. The past several months I have watched my husband go through a lot to continue to live. Those who worked to save his life are true heroes to me. The experience put life into perspective. While the urgent may push the important aside daily, I was once again reminded of the fragility of this life and treasuring those I love.
I’ve often said life is a rollercoaster ride filled with highs and lows sometimes both in the same day. The events of the past few weeks are a perfect example.
After a routine echocardiogram, my husband ended up back in the ICU when one of his stents failed after only a few months and a main artery was 98% closed. (This happens to only about 3% of the recipients of their newest and best stent. (Lucky Rob.)
His cardiologist told him that he needed a double bypass, and the surgeon scheduled it for the next Thursday. But while he waited, he remained in Cardiac Intensive Care as all the blood thinners he was on left his system.
To make a long story short. On the Sunday evening before the scheduled surgery Rob crashed and the dreaded code blue came over the hospital intercom with his room number just as I had arrived back at the hospital. A truly intense moment for me as I waited. Thankfully, the skills of an amazing nursing team were able to restore a pulse within 30 seconds with CPR.
Then he was off to the OR to open blood flow through the heart. Bypass is on hold for now, he has few stories to tell from his wild ride, and I aged a few years, I think. But mostly, I am grateful to still be sharing life with him one day at a time.
When I needed others’ to be there you were and I plan on doing the same. What unites us as people is stronger than what divides us. I hope someday we will understand how closely all of us in the human race are related to one another and we will not believe the lies that would try to divide us.