Christmas Novella
I’m excited about my Christmas novella and I hope you’ll like it as much as I do. I had fun writing this one, and I might try my hand at another novella soon. This short read is a part of a Christmas Cookie Series done with other authors at The Wild Rose Press. Now you can read your way through the holiday season with some great stories and get some tasty cookie recipes too.
Here’s a small taste of Magic and Midnight Mint Bars and how I imagine Blue Cove at Christmas time.
“Sally was warming to her, but she had to make changes gingerly. She didn’t want to scare the girl with
an overt use of magic. Sally’s life had more than enough drama to last a lifetime. Gentle reminders were
best in her case. The first rule in the Intermediary Manual on page one in bold letters under line one-A
says, “the case subject has to believe that any decision made is their own idea.” Sally couldn’t feel
manipulated. Hundreds of years made Elida a pro at her job. Heck, she even taught classes on how it should be done, but occasionally even the best could mess up. In her guise as Holly, she wouldn’t leave anything to chance. All her hard work over the years had paid off with many inches added to her stature. She had always been on the tiny size from day one, known among her peers as Little Sprite quite lovingly. But with perseverance and her present rate of growth, she could be human size before long. She smiled wistfully. She hopped into Sally’s coat pocket while she dressed. Oh, how she loved the thrill of a case. Making people see the possibilities in their own life was exhilarating.”