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It’s Never Too Late

This is an article I wrote for Women Writers, Women’s Books. Right now, you can pick up my e-books for 99 cents on Amazon for a limited time. Remember books make great gifts and wonderful stocking stuffers.

By way of a brief introduction, I am a multi-published, award-winning author who writes romantic suspense with a touch of paranormal. I enjoy writing fiction. The character development, their stories, and the twists and turns in the plot intrigue me. Once I let the characters loose, I can’t wait to see where they take me. I’m hooked from the first words on the paper, and I have to keep writing to see how the story ends.

I like to think of myself as proof that it’s never too late to change course and find a new avenue for your ambitions. I came to writing later in my life after working beside my husband for many years and raising our three sons. Our lives had settled into a nice, comfortable routine, until a recession, personal growth, and circumstances, brought several major changes. At that time, I scrambled to reinvent myself and an old desire to author a book began to surface once again. I can reassure you it’s never too late to reach for your dream and an ‘old dog’ can really learn new tricks. 

Searching the web, I stumbled upon an ad for a writing class and soon began a class offered through Longridge Writing Institute called Breaking into Print. The course took me through the elements of fiction and non-fiction. I thought for sure I would write a non-fiction self-help book. What I found was that I loved writing fiction. This gal who never watched or read a mystery found herself in a genre where she had never dared to go before. It fit with my personality. The course teacher told me that my stories had legs and he recommended that I try the Novel writing class. I followed his advice.

My initial book, ‘The Harvest Club,’ took shape during the second class. The story idea was handed to me, my first day on a new job by the custodian when she told me. “You know we have a church ghost here.” My imagination went to work and the element of the paranormal seeped into my mystery and would continue through each of my books. 

With that piece of information, I was off and writing, with a cast of characters in a New England town. Of course, my series had to have romance which brought in a hero as a love interest. My heroine was hired as a new secretary at a church where the young pastor was murdered, and her body was found outside of the church. She sees the ghost on her first day in town and she gets drawn into the mystery. Filled with twists and turns the story hooked me from the first line. I finished the book just to see how it would end but with no further expectations.

Mary, my teacher, in the second class had a way of encouraging me while slapping me upside my head. She could criticize my writing and have me laughing at the same time. Now that’s a real gift. I’m glad I listened to her when she encouraged me to query on the finished manuscript. She gave me the name of three publishers and had two that were interested. I chose the one that I’m still with today. I will forever be grateful to her for believing in me and prodding me along the way.

I like my publisher and have had a wonderful experience collaborating with them. My first book was published in 2014 and I’ve had twelve published since with number thirteen going is through the process now. Three of them are award finalists or winners which encouraged me to keep writing once I got brave enough to enter them into writing contests. It’s both exciting and nerve-racking when a new book releases. The same is true with allowing others to read and judge my work.

Even though my books are fantasy fiction I have a real method for why I author the stories I do. In my own strange way, I answer the question through my heroes what would happen if we were aware of what really transpired in the world we rarely see. In the process I touch upon subjects that are important to me in a hopefully entertaining way. Topics like organ trafficking, human trafficking, and domestic violence to name a few.

I’m no diva when it comes to my work, I’m grateful for any recognition I get, but most of all I’m thankful for the readers who read my books and tell me what they think. I have enjoyed meeting people and talking to them in person and through social media. I love to discuss with readers the why’s of my stories at local book clubs or book shows.

I have more to learn about my craft and about marketing, but when all is said and done, writing has allowed me to find another way to be who I am. I lose myself in the story and I find myself there too. Small pieces of myself and who I’m still becoming spill out through the words on the page, or as I like to think of it as my happy place. I’m not sure what that says about me. I invite you to read one of my Blue Cove Mysteries and see for yourself why Blue Cove is a special and unusual place. Iona Morrison: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

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Christmas Novella

I’m excited about my Christmas novella and I hope you’ll like it as much as I do. I had fun writing this one, and I might try my hand at another novella soon. This short read is a part of a Christmas Cookie Series done with other authors at The Wild Rose Press. Now you can read your way through the holiday season with some great stories and get some tasty cookie recipes too.

Here’s a small taste of Magic and Midnight Mint Bars and how I imagine Blue Cove at Christmas time.

“Sally was warming to her, but she had to make changes gingerly. She didn’t want to scare the girl with
an overt use of magic. Sally’s life had more than enough drama to last a lifetime. Gentle reminders were
best in her case. The first rule in the Intermediary Manual on page one in bold letters under line one-A
says, “the case subject has to believe that any decision made is their own idea.” Sally couldn’t feel
manipulated. Hundreds of years made Elida a pro at her job. Heck, she even taught classes on how it should be done, but occasionally even the best could mess up. In her guise as Holly, she wouldn’t leave anything to chance. All her hard work over the years had paid off with many inches added to her stature. She had always been on the tiny size from day one, known among her peers as Little Sprite quite lovingly. But with perseverance and her present rate of growth, she could be human size before long. She smiled wistfully. She hopped into Sally’s coat pocket while she dressed. Oh, how she loved the thrill of a case. Making people see the possibilities in their own life was exhilarating.”

Blue Cove at Christmas