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Good To Be Found

In an often mean world I find it hard to believe that there are any nice people left out there. The news on most days is distressing and often shows the worst sides of humanity. Revenge seems to be the optimum word of the day. But call me naive, I still think there is good to be found in humanity and some folks are a pleasant revelation. No, they aren’t the ones screaming at us from our TV’s, or those demonizing someone different from them, but they are the ones who work quietly behind the scenes to make our world a better place.

Their stories inspire us, bring us hope, and make us want to be better ourselves. Their actions are like candles lit n the cosmic way. They seem to understand the value of every person, no matter their faith, political beliefs, or the state of their birth. These folks are able to see beyond the facade erected, to the good seed planted deep in another’s life. Their stories of courage, sacrifice, and love break through where nothing else can.

Love and kindness are never wasted…

They always make a difference

They bless the one who receives them,

and they bless you,

the giver.

~*~ Barbara De Angelis ~*~

Life is Not a Sprint but a Journey!

The last few months have been full of activities for us. I found it hard to keep up with all my marketing and my blog. From middle school and high school graduations to a few medical emergencies for someone I love, I had to take a little time off because my mind wouldn’t let me go there. I plugged along at a few hundred words here and there, but not my usual fast pace. It’s been a while, but finally I can feel the desire to get back to writing and blogging. The past few months were both good and rough mingled together with moments of great joy and of reflection. I found I couldn’t rush through all the emotions I was feeling but had to move forward at my own pace.

On the plus side, my granddaughter graduated from high school with nine chords of honor. I didn’t even know that was possible. She lettered in academics all four years and was accepted into the Neurology and Pre-Med program with the University’s Presidential Scholarship. She learned Chinese for heaven’s sake. Wow! Can I brag for a moment about what an amazing and sweet girl that she is. Of course, all my grandkids are. Enjoying their accomplishments is a big deal. I have another granddaughter who just sent me a text today that she passed her driver’s knowledge test and can get her permit on the seventeenth. It seems like yesterday both of these young ladies were little girls. I can’t neglect to mention I have three wonderful grandsons too. The one thing I’m sure of is that life is constantly changing and I’m afraid to blink for fear I’ll miss something special or important.

Maya Angelous said, “Each one of us has lived through some devastation, some loneliness, some weather super-storm, or a spiritual super-storm. When we look at each other we must say, “I understand”. I understand how you feel because I have been there myself.” Wise words as far as I’m concerned. We all have highs and lows. Compassion and understanding would go a long way in our overly mean world right now.

I’ve learned that at some point in life if we allow it, something in our life switches on and we become aware of it all; the good, the bad, the happy and the sad. It’s like tasting a really good chocolate or sipping a wonderful wine for the very first time; we begin to appreciate and to savor our life with all its ups and downs. Our memories become our special friends that can bring a random smile to our faces or maybe tears; A certain song can remind us of a moment sealed in our hearts, and family and friends become more cherished than ever. Life is interesting, filled with hope, and sometimes broken promises but it is what it is. Sip from today with joy life is not a sprint but a journey.

Interview From the Colorado Sun

Iona Morrison finds the seed for her next book in the previous story

The author was on vacation in Tombstone, Arizona, when she started to flesh out “Searching for Closure” with a time-travel scene

The Colorado Sun2:10 AM MDT on Apr 2, 2023

Iona Morrison is an award-winning, Amazon best-selling author who writes romantic suspense with a touch of the paranormal, including the Blue Cove Mysteries series. She is a member of the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Published Authors League and lives in Colorado with her husband and family. 

SunLit: Tell us this book’s backstory. What inspired you to write it? Where did the story/theme originate? 

Iona Morrison: This book is a part of a series.

The Blue Cove Series began for me on my first day of a new job when the custodian told me, “You know we have a church ghost here.” She went on to tell me a true story about how their associate pastor’s husband murdered her, and then killed himself outside the church. The secretary was the one that found their bodies by a tree. 

With that piece of information, I was off and writing, with a cast of characters in an imaginary New England town. And the book I always wanted to write started to grow in me until “The Harvest Club” was born with 11 books to follow. I like to think of myself as proof that it’s never too late to change course and find a new avenue for your ambitions.

“Searching For Closure” is book 9 in the series. The main character, Peyton, is a cousin to Jessie Reynolds in my other books. She is on vacation in Arizona and staying at a beautiful resort when the body of a young man is discovered in the swimming pool. While Detective Kincaid is interviewing her, Peyton sees the young man’s ghost watching her. She soon finds herself involved in the murder investigation and is ushered into a strange new world in the process.


Each week, The Colorado Sun and Colorado Humanities & Center For The Book feature an excerpt from a Colorado book and an interview with the author. Explore the SunLit archives at

Like most authors, I never know where or when inspiration will strike. I’ve learned to take the notions when they come and be prepared to write them down. I’m always on the lookout for another idea.

 One of those special moments of insight for this book came as I walked through the small tourist town of Tombstone on vacation, I could see my character doing the same. A scene began to take shape as I strolled the wooden boardwalk. Her footsteps sounded on the wood planks of the walkway along with mine as she is carried back in time to see the town as I saw it in my mind: a happening place of long ago filled with music and raucous laughter flowing from the saloon. 

Suddenly, a stagecoach comes racing into town followed by several rowdy cowboys on horseback welcoming the woman passenger on the stage. Hooting and hollering, they discharge their guns indiscriminately into the air until a real shot brings Peyton back to reality. That scene worked its way into this book with a few changes.

SunLit: Place this excerpt in context. How does it fit into the book as a whole? Why did you select it?

Morrison: The excerpt places Peyton in Tombstone where for a moment in time she is caught up in a vision that takes place long ago but before she has time to adjust to what she is seeing she finds herself back in modern times and dealing with what she saw. This story is all about Peyton coming to terms with seeing the invisible world and, like her cousin, having the gift of sight. 

“Searching for Closure”


Where To Find It:

SunLit present new excerpts from some of the best Colorado authors that not only spin engaging narratives but also illuminate who we are as a community. Read more.

Peyton is thrust into her new world when she sees her first ghost and murder victim. She will see many more new and strange things to help solve that murder. A jaunt back in time, visions, and premonitions are part of the process.

I chose this excerpt because it plays a key role in the story. Peyton visits Tombstone as a tourist and will also find herself a target for murder while there. Personally, I liked the scene. It is one of my favorites. I feel like I lived it with her.

SunLit: Tell us about creating this book. What influences and/or experiences informed the project before you actually sat down to write?

Morrison: This book was formed in the one before it. Each book gives me a key word or a way forward to the next one. For example, with this story Peyton told her cousin in the previous book of a crazy trip her friend had arranged for them to Arizona — in the summer no less. 

Arizona became the setting for the story, but I had no idea when I wrote that scene how the story would develop into Peyton’s Arizona adventure when her friend was a no-show. A hot Arizona summer was the perfect backdrop for a heinous corporate crime, murder, and a budding new romance.

SunLit: Once you began writing, did the story take you in any unexpected directions? If so, how would you describe dealing with a narrative that seems to have a mind of its own? 

Morrison: My writing is often filled with surprises. I’ve had a bad character who turned out to do something good while one of my main characters got shot. I didn’t see either of those coming. I try to let my characters lead me and they take me on quite a ride every time.

I’m not a plotter and therefore I’m often astonished by where my imagination takes me. I like to believe my characters let me know what is and isn’t working for them. And they’re usually right. I’ve stayed awake many nights listening to them tell me about a better way forward. Once I get the scene the way that suits their personalities the narrative moves forward.

SunLit: What were the biggest challenges you faced, or surprises you encountered in completing this book? 

Morrison: It’s always a challenge to keep writing and rewriting lines until the story is finished. One day I feel like I can write anything and the next I’m frustrated with everything that I write. By the time a book is finally published I’ve read it so many times I can’t read it again for a while.

However, there is a reason I author the stories that I do. In my own strange way, I answer the question through my characters what would happen if we were aware of what really transpired in the world we rarely see and could hear the unheard cries for help around us. In the process I touch upon subjects that are important to me in a hopefully entertaining way. Topics like organ trafficking, human trafficking, and domestic violence to name a few.

In the excerpt, Peyton asks the question: Is death the end or can those unjustly treated in this life find justice? For her, justice for those who have no voice is important. I’m always surprised how all the pieces in a story tie together in the end even with all the twists and turns. Each time I read a final galley, I’m amazed that I authored the book and even more in awe that people will read it.

SunLit: Has the book raised questions or provoked strong opinions among your readers? How did you address them? 

Morrison: People talk to me about what they liked in the story. 

One of the best parts of being an author is meeting the readers and talking with them. I’m a talker and love spending time with people. I enjoy answering questions or simply spend time thanking someone for their support. 

Throwing in the Towel

I’ve been thinking about the phrase ‘throwing in the towel’. Is there a particular towel I need to throw, and if I decide to throw it where should I send it. Does it mean I’m frustrated, giving up, or that the towel is too old? Has the towel done something wrong? Should I give it up on it and simply buy a new one? Is there a line I need to stand in, or can I do this alone? All important questions when thinking of the towel.

Possibly, I could throw it out the window with my computer if frustration is the marker. These questions are right up there for me with does a penguin have knees. Yes, they do thank you very much. Now all I need to do is to figure out which towel I need to throw, if and when I decide to throw it.

Days like this have me wondering where some of our phrases, sayings, and idioms come from. In this case the idiom throwing in the towel comes from boxing. The trainer or manager literally throws in a towel as a signal that their fighter has given up. It means to stop doing something because you cannot succeed or your too continue. Now I’ve learned something new.

I like learning new things. I’ve discovered today the only way I will throw in the towel is if it’s too worn out and not useable anymore. Otherwise, I’ll keep trying like the little engine who could.

#hanginthere #keeptrying #don’tgiveup

All the Difference

The sum of what is important to me always centers around those I love. Family and friends are at the heart of what I value most. My dreams, my job, or even my writing take a back burner to those I care about. Although, writing often becomes a form of therapy for me.

My husband Rob has had my heart since the first day I met him. His smile is what attracted me to him. Doing life with him has been fun and quite a ride. Our story is unique to us like yours is to you with all the highs and lows that life dishes out. Somehow, we’ve managed to stay afloat and love being together. He’s always encouraged me to excel and is my greatest fan. Being able to laugh together has helped more times than I can count. And the fact that he’s a genuinely nice guy hasn’t hurt either. I feel blessed to have such a good man in my life.

The past few years have held a few health challenges for him, and I’ve found myself holding my breath whenever he has his check-ups and then breathing a sigh of relief when we hear good news. A sweet reminder that life is a precious gift not to be taken for granite.

Thankfully in the midst of the choppy seas of life’s events, we are often handed a life raft of sorts, to cling to. Some little encouraging word, or act of kindness that makes a day seem less dark and hard in the storm. I’m grateful for each one I’ve received that brightened an otherwise tough time. Believe me when I say there have been many of those sweet acts over the years. I have done my best to pay them forward whenever I can. I have a firm belief that kindness given comes home again when needed most. And love isn’t really love until you give it away.

Life is fragile and should be treated with care. Each day is a brand-new opportunity to send a kind word to someone else who needs it. A quick note or call to let them know they aren’t forgotten or alone can make all the difference.